Showing posts with label $10 to $100. Show all posts
Showing posts with label $10 to $100. Show all posts

Ground EFX MC1 Youth MD Review

"Ground EFX MC1 Youth Metal Detector" is another cheap metal detector that is best suited for kids or children. 

It's because the manufacturer of this equipment have ensured quality and durability to ensure rigors of child use.

The best part of this tool is that, it's not just a simple tool. It comes with an impressive eliminator functionality that rejects all unwanted targets. 

Other than the eliminator feature, it also has a visual target indicator with battery test.

When it comes to detecting a certain buried item underground, the manufacturer claims that this tool can detect coins for up to 5 inches deep. 

Larger objects can be picked by the search coil at a maximum depth of 24 inches.

The circular search coil has a 6.5 inches diameter size and it is waterproof. Take note, only the search coil but not the control box. 

According to the manufacturer, the search coil can be submerged underwater for up to 24 inches deep.

Length of the unit can also be adjusted to suit the height of the operator. It can actually be adjusted from 26 inches to 36 inches total length.

And just like any standard metal detector, Ground EFX MC1 Youth MD will react to a buried target through its "Volume Level" and "Signal Strength"

This means that, the louder the audible sound or the stronger the signal, it means that the item is just under the search coil.

Product Features of Ground EFX MC1 Youth MD

- Designed to withstand rough handling.

- Waterproof search coil (measures 6.5 inches). It can be submerged for up to 24 inches deep underwater.

- Audio sound volume alert depends on the signal strength.

- Simple Eliminator function that rejects unwanted targets.

- Visual target indicator for visual cue along with battery test.

- Operated by two 9 volts batteries (not included in the package).

Pros and Cons of Ground EFX MC1 Youth MD


The best positive feature that I can say about Ground EFX MC1 Youth metal detector is its durability. It is indeed tough enough to handle rough handling which will surely going to last for many years.

Other than its durability, the manufacturer did a great job in making a very simple tool that the kids can easily operate without problem.

And, it isn't just no ordinary metal detector because it can detect coins and other metallic objects buried several inches deep from the ground.


So far, I haven't encountered any flaws of this detector.

Overall, Ground EFX MC1 Youth metal detector is one of the best cheap metal detectors for kids. Some says that it's the perfect gift for kids as birthday present or holiday gift.

Elenco Metal Detector with Beep Alert Review

One of the most suitable metal detector for kids at the age of 5 to 8 is the "Elenco Metal Detector with Beep Alert". It has been designed by the manufacturer with lightweight materials that is easy for your kids to carry around. 

This allows them to spend longer period of metal detecting activity until they get completely tired.

Some kids are tall while others are small. Regardless of their height, they can still use this tool at the comfort of their own by adjusting the unit's length. 

The stem can actually be extended from 24.5 inches up to 39 inches.

When used and the search coil has found a certain metallic object, an audible beeping sound will be generated by the detector. 

Other than its audible alert, there is also an LED indicator at the handle. Thus, there is no need for a headphone.

The unique feature of Elenco MD is its foldable sensor ring or search coil. You can actually fold and swivel it for easy storage.

Elenco Metal Detector Product Features

- Lightweight metal detector.

- Designed for kids at the age of 5 to 8.

- Folds and swivel sensor ring for easy storage.

- Generates an audible alert when a target is found. It also has an LED indicator in the handle.

- The unit's length can be extended from 24.5 inches to 39 inches.

- Operated by a 9 volt battery. (Not included)

Pros and Cons of Elenco Metal Detector with Beep Alert


Testing its reliability on my testing ground, I'm impressed that it does really work. It was able to detect coins, nails and other sorts of metallic scraps. 

I think this capability of a simple metal detector is already good enough for kids to enjoy metal hunting on their own.


The first product that I ordered didn't worked. It probably got broke when it was delivered or it can be a manufacture-defect. 

At first, I'm thinking of asking for a refund but I decided to ask for another replacement to prove my speculation.

Well, I was right. The first product was damaged because the second unit works perfectly just fine.

Another issue is about the quality of the materials used. It is indeed lightweight, but it can easily break away. 

Thus, this tool is only best recommended for kids who knows how to take good care of their equipment.

Overall, Elenco Metal Detector with Beep Alert is another cheap metal detector that can offer hours of entertaining outdoor activity for your children or kids to enjoy.

Bounty Hunter Gold Digger MD

One of the most popular and cheap MD (metal detector) that is currently available on the market today is the “Bounty Hunter Gold Digger” MD. 

Aside from being cheap, it is the best recommended tool for complete beginners to train basic skills on their metal hunting hobby

It is also the best tool for kids to play especially if they have an interest on this type of outdoor activity.

The main reason why it is recommended for amateurs is that, they should start honing their skill from a cheap metal detector. It’s because it will save them from any possible unwanted costs.

If you are one among them then chances are, you are still exploring metal detecting as a hobby. So let us say for example that you bought yourself an expensive MD. 

Just a couple of months later, you found out to yourself that you don’t have that much interest or passion to consider metal detecting as a hobby. 

Or, you have some other reasons preventing you from delving into this field of activity. As a result, you just bought something that you can’t use which is just a waste of money. 

To minimize such loss, you can sell back your MD at Craigslist or similar shops.

Another common possible reason of your money going to waste are due to improper handling and maintenance resulting to breakage. 

But when you start from a cheap metal detector like Bounty Hunter Gold Digger, you will learn everything you need to know about metal detecting which includes proper care of your equipment. In return, you will be able to prolong the use or life-span of your MD.


Metals that it can detect

The Bounty Hunter Gold Digger MD has the capability to search all different types of metals especially precious gold which is the primary target of all metal detectorists. 

So even if an amateur or a kid is using this tool, both have good chances of being able to detect an object made of gold.

Due to the variety of metals that can be detected, this product is perfect for hunting buried coins, jewelries, relics, gold prospecting and even for utility applications (such as locating old pipes needing repairs or replacements).

Trash Eliminator

At some point, you might come into a place where almost every items that you detected and dug ends up being a trash. 

You recover things like large rusty nails, cans, metal scraps and even some food wrappers. Finding such trashes can be so demotivating and will always left you exhausted for nothing.

So the manufacturer of this product has incorporated a feature known as the “Trash Eliminator”. This is a setting of the equipment which you can turn ON or OFF. 

Turning it ON will enable its auto-function which is to eliminate or disregard all those unwanted objects from being picked up from the ground. With this feature enabled, it will save you plenty of time and energy with better findings.

Depth of Penetration

It is very important for a metal detector to be able to detect deep buried objects for at least up to 5 feet. Bounty Hunter Gold Digger can actually reach up to 6 feet depth which is one of its most impressive feature.

Tiny metallic objects can be detected down from the ground for up to 2 feet deep. While, larger objects starting from the size of a coin is impressively detected down for up to 6 feet deep.

Search Coil

The search coil is the circular disk shape of the equipment responsible for sending and receiving frequency signal down into the ground. 

It is through this signal that allows the unit to confirm presence of metallic objects underground. Bounty Hunter Gold Digger has a 7 inches diameter search coil and what makes it impressive is that, it is designed by the manufacturer to withstand various weather conditions. 

In short, it is weather resistant.


This product comes with an earphone which is intended to be used on a noisy environment such as on the streets and crowded beaches. 

But in my own personal opinion, the use of earphone whether you have a noisy background or not provides better results.

Batteries Required

Before you can operate this equipment, it requires (2) two pieces of 9 Volts Alkaline batteries in order to work. And unfortunately, these batteries are sold separately.

The Pros of Bounty Hunter Gold Digger MD

Trusted and Reliable Brand

Bounty Hunter is one among the top and popular brand of metal detectors in the market today. With such level of reputation from a large crowd of satisfied customers, it only means that they manufacture high quality and reliable products. 

Apart from their trusted brand, all of their products are “Certified Frustration-Free Packaging”. What this means is that, the equipment you purchased is fully tested and functional. 

It also means that you can always contact or seek technical help from the company.

Very Cheap Price

Bounty Hunter Gold Digger MD has indeed a very cheap price. But unlike any other metal detectors with similar price range, it offers almost comparable result from those equipment designed for the pro.

It is really hard to find any other MDs at this price that offers such amazing efficiency.

Easy to Assemble and Use

Majority of first time users claims that assembling their equipment is actually no challenge at all. This was proven to me by my 10 year old niece who assembled it with no sweat.

Using it is also super easy that some individuals does not even need to read the User’s Manual. 

The reason is that the settings are not really that much complicated to understand and setup. In fact, once assembled it is ready to be used.

Sound is the Key

Bounty Hunter Gold Digger MD is a sound-based equipment. This means that you main basis of detecting objects buried underground is via the sound generated by the metal detector. 

As an experienced user of this tool, the sound can give some additional hints about the target. Thus, paying a close attention to the sound is the key of using this MD.

Convenient for Carrying

Metal detectors are hand-held tools which is the reason why the manufacturers have to design their products for carrying conveniently. 

This product are made with light-weight materials enhanced with ergonomic handle which will allow you to sweep it around without getting tired too much.

The Cons of Bounty Hunter Gold Digger MD

Batteries are Sold Separately

You have to know that when you purchase this product, it does not include batteries. It is actually sold separately which I don’t see any good reason about it. This can be a hassle for some individuals.

No Battery Indicator

Another issue which again in relation to its battery is that there is no Battery Indicator. You will never know when your equipment is running out of power. 

Anyway, the manufacturer can easily fix this by putting a Battery Level Meter in their next succeeding models.

Headphone Has no Volume Control

When using the headphone, your MD can hit a certain object that generates a high tone sound which is very unpleasant to the ears. 

This could have been avoided if the headphone has a volume control. Of course, you can buy a compatible headphone with volume controls but that will be an extra-added cost for your pocket.
Final Thoughts

There are actually so many good reasons why the Bounty Hunter Gold Digger MD is the perfect tool for those who are just starting out with their metal detecting hobby. 

And as an experienced metal hunter myself, I can say that it is one of the best cheap metal detector available in the market today.

Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV MD Review

When it comes to the best cheap metal detector, the top product recommended by almost anyone is the "Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV MD"

It's because this tool has already proven its reliability to a lot of users. Thus, it won't be very surprising if most of the reviews you can find around the internet are all positive.

Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV has a very user-friendly features making it very simple to use and understand. 

It is also equipped with automatic-circuitry adjustments where it is able to maintain the best sensitivity at all times for different types of ground. 

In fact, this tool can detect metallic items even at extreme ground conditions such as saltwater beaches and highly mineralized soil.

Detecting on Extreme Ground Conditions

The most amazing feature of Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV is actually its capability to set the perfect ground balance for any ground conditions. 

With this feature, the tool can neutralize the response of high mineral contents on the ground allowing it to penetrate deeper target objects.

Through the tool's impressive ground balance settings, it can easily distinguish iron in the ground from the valuable objects. 

With its Disc/Notch Control, trash can be easily distinguished eliminating any unwanted metals from being detected.

Aside from the tool's ground balance settings, it also has good sensitivity control. This feature reduces any electromagnetic interference that can cause false or disturbances from the signal.

Search Coil and Indicator

The Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV consists of an 8 inches open coil design. With its unique and genuine design, it is capable of searching deep buried objects as compared to many other metal detectors. 

Other than its design, both the coil and stem are waterproof. This allows the operator to submerge the coil and the stem in shallow water or damp grasses without getting damaged.

As for the target indicator, it offers a visual cue to the operator when a target object has been detected.

Three Modes of Operations

Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV MD operates at three different modes of operation that can be set for the suitable target.

1. Motion All-Metals Mode

- All metals including trash will be detected.

2. Full Discrimination Mode

- All sorts of unwanted metallic objects will be rejected.

3. Tone Discrimination Mode

- Offers two different audible tones which allows the operator to distinguish different types of metals.

Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Product Details

- Metal detector designed for detecting at any ground conditions.

- Offers 3 modes of operations: Motion All-Metal Mode, Discrimination Mode and 2 Tone Audio Mode

- Automatic adjustable Ground Balance setting that neutralizes the tool's response to high mineralized contents of the ground.

- Disc/Notch Control functions that rejects unwanted objects and only alerts the operator when valuable item is found.

- It has a 1/4 inch headphone jack.

- Low battery indicator which indicates if it needs replacement. The batteries consists of two 9 volts batteries.

- Adjustable height design.

- Padded Armrest.

- Detector Stand.

- Perfect for coin-shooting, relic, jewelry and cache hunting. It can also be used for Industrial use such as locating pipes.

- Designed for easy handling, lightweight and ergonomic build.

Pros and Cons of Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV


Assembling my Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV isn't really a challenge at all. Simply follow the instructions from the manual and you won't have a problem.

To test the reliability of this tool's 3 operational modes, I actually made use of several different metallic objects such as gold, silver, copper and etc... I was very surprised how my Bounty Hunter TK4 responds to them.

When I used it in the actual field, I had successfully found several objects within minutes. I actually found an old coin, thick belt buckle, beer cans and a lot of nails. 

And as for the best item that I found using this detector, it was a large ring with an embedded precious gemstone on it.

And lastly, on places that are noisy, I recommend to use a headphone. Using a headphone can also prolong the operational longevity of the batteries. 

Based on experience, it could last for about 15 to 20 hours period of usage.


There is no Volume Control. This would be a problem for those who have hearing problems. Anyway, a headphone with volume controls on it can be a good solution.

Some beginners may find a hard time pin-pointing the buried target. It's because the search coil requires constant movement by waving back and forth to locate the exact buried spot of the object. 

But through experience of constantly using this detector, skills will be develop in pin pointing the exact location of the target.

Overall, Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV MD is one of the best cheap metal detector around suitable for all beginners and avid hunters who don't have enough budget.

Winbest Pro Edition MD | BARSKA

BARSKA features their product called, "Winbest Pro Edition Metal Detector" at Amazon where they designed it to be perfectly suitable for both beginners and experts. 

This tool is actually perfect for searching buried coins, relics, jewelries and silvers.

Product Features

Winbest Pro Edition MD has two operation modes. First mode is the "All-Metal" mode where it detects all different types of metals. 

Already enhanced on this mode is that, it automatically adjust ground balance and high sensitivity. 

The second mode is the "Disc Mode" where it detects objects and discriminates them of what type of metal has been picked up.

On different terrains, some metal detectors tends to go unstable but not for the Winbest Pro Edition MD. It's because of its Preset Ground Balance that adjusts the settings of the equipment to suit the terrain.

On the control box, there's a meter or target indicator. The meter will swing towards the right side if it happens that the search coil detects a metallic object. 

Speaking about the search coil (measures 6.5 inches), it has been designed by the manufacturer as water-resistant. This allows you to submerge it on shallow water.

The stem that holds the search coil and connected into the handle is adjustable so as the arm rest. This is to adjust the length of the equipment to the suitable size of your detecting comfortability. 

The stem measures 15.5 to 25 inches long.

And lastly, you can use a headphone for better reception of the audible alert.

Operating Winbest Pro Edition MD

Winbest Pro Edition is actually another reliable cheap metal detector to use. As stated above, it has good accuracy in detecting small pieces of objects buried underground. 

At some point, I've seen some individuals with negative reviews about this product. But taking a closer look into their problems, it is more on the issue of operating the equipment.

To properly operate this MD, you need to sweep the search coil from side-to-side. And most importantly, do not raise the search coil while sweeping it. This will generate false readings.

Do it slow because doing it rapidly won't allow the search coil to receive the transmitted signal. In order to explain more about this subject, you should read the post entitled "How Metal Detectors Work?".

The search coil must also be in parallel to the ground while detecting.

Pros and Cons of Winbest Pro Edition MD

Starting from the time that I purchased Winbest Pro Edition metal detector, I got good experience with it in finding small metallic items. 

I was able to detect old quarter coins to tiny pieces of small stainless earrings.

Through the time that I've been using this MD, here's the pros and cons that I discovered:


When the product arrived, the unit was so easy to assemble. I think that a kid can even do it on his own. Aside from being too easy to assemble, I also find it too easy to operate. 

No wonder why the manufacturer is so confident about their product that is suitable for both novice and professional.

Before using any of my brand new MD, I usually perform an actual test. The results were quite amazing for this tool. It is so sensitive even to small or tiny object such as a needle.


I have found no flaw in the functionality of this equipment but on one of its body part. It is the stem or connector that holds the search coil while the other end is connected into the handle. 

Judging by the material used in the construction, it seems its cheaply made from low quality material. The length is also short especially for a tall individual.

Anyway, this minor flaw can be easily fixed by the manufacturer but at the cost of probably increasing the price due to the use of high quality materials for the improvement of their product.